Saturday, 17 April 2010

I'm depressed

Once upon a time, in July 2003 to be exact, I wrote this:

Even more impressive a scam is the newly formed Resona bank, which was previously known as Asahi bank, and a couple of others. This is now in seriously deep trouble, so what do the government do? Let it go to the dogs for having such inept managers? Oh no. They decide to pump in 1.96trillion yen's worth of tax payers cash to bail them out. That is 1,960,000,000,000, or 98,000,000 quid...for a private bank. In any other country this bank would be allowed to become bankrupt, probably as soon as everyone found out they were in trouble and took out their savings.

In light of events over the last few years I can't believe how naive I was. As usual Japan was at least half-a-decade ahead of the curve, bailing out rubbish banks and even more rubbish managers with my cash.

I think Gordon, Obama, Alan, no hang on, it's not Alan anymore is it, it's Timothy and Ben, and all those other shysters that have fucked the world up, they all owe a nod and a wink to Japan and the Kool Kid to acknowledge that, once again, Japan was there first, at the forefront of propping up big business with our money.


  1. You seem to be attracting a decidedly left-field class of commentator. What's your secret?

  2. It's just a gift I have, attracting weird people...

    Any idea what a 'favicon' is?

  3. Sad to hear your cash was used in such a way. But if you were in India it'd have been used by the government for even worse reasons, like buying liquor for beggars. Cheers!!!

  4. Thanks Gaurav and welcome.

    Govts misusing our cash is a problem the world over, I guess. Though if the govt spent my cash on buying booze for the homeless, I could live with that - better than supporting over-rich banker-wankers, they are the ones who deserve to be homeless beggars!

    1. 'Free champagne cocktails for Goldman Sachs Depression inducing racketeers living in designer studios in central London'
    2. 'Free Tenant's Export for the winos in Hyde Park'
    1 is reality, 2 would be political suicide.
    As the yanks are apt to say: "Go figure."

  6. Do I detect a hint of cynicism there, Stevie?

  7. only a healthy, british amount.
    I've been consuming too many favicons probably.

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