Wednesday 27 August 2003

just checking in

haven't written anything for a while, so just thought i'd drop everyone a line to say we are still alive over here. it has been a slow couple of weeks for news stories that i can comment on, but a rapid few weeks in terms of work to do and assignments to worry about.

minako's birthday was yesterday, so i'm sure evryone will join me in wishing her a jolly happy day and all that. naturally i was meant to finish work early and meet up so we could do romantic things like go to a concert, but of course i didn't get out until an hour and a half after i was meant to finish and missed everything, oops, but it wasn't really my fault, honest. so anyway we are off to dinner on saturday evening in ebisu, which should be most pleasant.

summer has almost gone, which is good because it means the fantasy football season has stated all over again. check out the CoB website link for all the latest happeneings, but suffice it to say Arakawa Athletic, proudly sponsored by this very blog, is in pole position after the first couple of weeks - long may it continue.

and that is it, except to say all the croiander is dead, last time i try and grow that nonsense herb, but the basil is marvellous and is being regularly consumed by yours truly, the lavender looks quite pukka and the rosemary is still alive. i have also planted a peach tree seed, and this must grow and thrive, mainly because minako has said it won't...

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