Monday, 27 June 2005

Wouldn't you just know it...

Got the sky tuner working last night, just a quick strip of the antenna cable, reattach and hey presto, working again - bastard machine, I know when I'm being mocked...

Young Marcus seems to be impoving re his eating, or rather keeping eating down, problem. Definitely less in the chucking up sakes now, and has rushed through the 4kg barrier to post a high (as far as I know, though the Guru may know otherwise) of about 4222grams, which is pretty good in my book. Also did an enormous poo the other day that leaked up the back of his nappy - first time I have seen this and my goodness didn't he look happy with himself. Indeed the little 'un is turning into quite a smiley little chap, as long as you make high pitched squeaking sounds at him, which he seems to enjoy.

But the hot has started now, over 30 degrees on Sat and Sun, which ain't too good for him as he can't control his internal temperature, apparently, especially when in his high chair whcih seems to make him hotter. So anyway the aircon came on yesterday for the first time, don't like it but a cool kitchen is ooooh so nice - I mean cool in the sense of colder, not stylishness, it can be as uncool as anything as long as it is cool, if you take my meaning.

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